Born in 1980 in the industrial city of Tchelyabinsk in the Southern Urals, Russia.
At the age of nine I was given my first camera and in my city I met my first mentor Victor Gruber who followed me until I was eighteen; every week I brought him the photographs that I printed in black and white at my house, we looked at them together and he gave me suggestions on how to improve. Thanks to him I fell in love with photography.

In 2004 I took the first prize of the national photographic competition of the Corriere della Sera thanks to which I participated in the workshop with Gianni Berengo Gardin. Subsequently I started working in publishing, first in Milan with the Prospekt Photographers agency and then I worked on photographic projects that took me to India, Nepal, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Russia and Italy for Italian and international magazines.
I have collaborated with National Geographic, Marie Claire, L'Espresso and others.
From 2007 until today I have been a photographer for Baku magazine.

I participated in the creation of the photographic part for the book Why Italians like to talk about food; an itinerary through history, culture and customs by Elena Kostioukovitch with an introduction by Umberto Eco. The book has been translated into several languages ​​and published all over the world.

Now my interest remains in the sphere of Poetic photography, as defined by a great photographer from the Magnum agency Georgy Pinkhassov from whom I learned the vision of light, which takes us beyond form and allows us to capture moments not only in a documentary way, but allows every single photograph to become a parallel universe.

After the pandemic I moved with my family to Orsigna, a small village in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines.